Pen-Test Walkthrough – Metasploitable 2

Metasploitable 2 is a purpose build vulnerable VM and web app designed for testing.

Test#Brief Test Vector DetailVulnerability
1ARP requests revealing MAC addressAttacker takes advantage of open traffic and can redirect it with incorrect mappings to the gateway or the network host
2Banner GrabbingOperating System information is discoverable
Port Service ScanOpen port information is retrieved and can be researched against known Exploit-Databases to prepare attacks
3Remote access login via Remote Shell (RSH)Host compromise through a remote shell enables an attacker to take control
4Network File System (NFS) Service exploited by creating a folder on the Hosts root directory and installing a pre-generated authorised key.Command line access can be gained, remote control of the Host machine is established
5Telnet Backdoor connectionCreating a backdoor on the Host effectively enables a Hacker to keep a continuous or intermittent connection on the Host machine
6Samba Backdoor connectionCreating a backdoor on the Host effectively enables a Hacker to keep a continuous or intermittent connection on the Host machine

Test#Brief Test Vector DetailVulnerability
7Secure Copy protocol enabled via port 22Allows a high level privilege user to connect via the port. Complete exploitation of the machine is possible